Wednesday 12 March 2014

WEEK 1 - 18 Sketches and First SketchUp Model

Hi! These are the 18 sketches for the spaces above and below the ground. Click the picture for more details.

The SketchUp model is based on this sketch. I chose this because of my preferences and my friends recommendation as well.

Screenshot of the SketchUp model based on two angles, front and side. 

The upper part is the above ground studio for Heston Blumenthal. I decided to make the studio with different objects: cylinder and square. The different shapes in the structure represents different ingredients in Heston Blumenthal's dish, such as the bacon and egg ice cream with parsnip cereal. As you can imagine that the chosen ingredients are definitely not complement each other; bacon and egg is a hot and oily dish, while ice cream is a dessert. However, Heston manages to find a line between those ingredients and create an amazing and extraordinary menu. The "tree" structure has the same meaning behind it. Even though they seem to have a such different shapes, however they manage to become one. On the other hand, the building looks like an ice cream, so it kind of represents Heston Blumenthal as a chef.

The lower part is the below ground studio for Steinway & Sons. The boxes are overlapped with each other, creates some kind of partitions between the room. The idea behind this is piano, which refers to music and songs. In a good song, usually it will consist of many different kind of sounds, ranging from bass sound to the traditional sound of the piano. If the song only consist of one sound, as an example a bass, the song will be very boring and repetitive. However, if there are many sounds bring together as one, it will create such harmony that can bring certain emotions to people who listen to it. The box creates some private spaces for each sound, however, it is connected between one another, to become a space for the production of piano. 

Possible materials that would be used in the upper part is steel or hard metallic material with the lower part made by concrete. The SketchUp model is still a draft, there will be some continuous improvement to the model.


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