Wednesday 19 March 2014

WEEK 2 - Stairs & Second SketchUp Models

Sketches and SketchUp Models on the stairs for each clients

My chosen words to describe stairs for Heston Blumenthal is innovative, futuristic, difficult and coordination. The words generally represent Heston with his method of cooking. He combines science with food to create menu that can receive 3 Michelin stars. One of his methods include the ultra-low cooking, whereby the meat is cooked up to 24 hours to create a moist texture. He is also famous with multi-sensory cooking. The first stairs is a cantilever stair, so one side of the stair is attached to the wall, while the stair itself consist of 2 different parts, the attached and detached section. The original design includes hand-railing for the detached section, however in my opinion it ruined the "modern" look of the stairs. Therefore, there are no hand railing for this stairs. The materials used are steel for the stairs, with glass for the walls section.

The chosen words for the second stairs for Heston Blumenthal are the same with the previous one, as it represents Heston's cooking methods. The stairs are categorised as a thin stair, because of the thin distance between each treads. The cylinder is the main support of the tread, therefore it is categorised as a cantilever stairs. It has alternating directions of tread, one goes to the front, with one goes to the right. The materials used for the tread and cylinder is steel.

For Steinway & Sons, the chosen words are alternate, variation, opposite and change. It is based on piano, which have various keys and melodies to create harmony. This stairs use geometric shapes such as rectangle and circle for the steps and hand railing. The pathway of the stair is not straight, with alternating hand railing according to the path. The tread will use timber as the main material, with metal bar as the materials for the joint. At the model the treads are doubled, to increase the security of people using the stairs.

The second stairs for Steinway & Sons are using the similar principle as the previous one. The main geometric shape of the stairs is square. It is a simple thin stair with alternating heights of the square which create a nice shape of the stairs. It uses timber as the main material.

Second SketchUp models:

 Above the ground studio (Steinway & Sons) with showroom

High angle view

 First stairs from above the ground studio to showroom

Second stairs from above the ground studio to showroom

Below the ground studio (Heston Blumenthal)
It is located underground, however in this picture, it is still over the ground without the walls, to show the stair section of the room.

Stairs in the below the ground studio

Different angle

Contour used in the below the ground studio

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