Tuesday 6 May 2014

EXP 2 Final Submission


"The need to design a building that harmonises with its surrounding can be achieved through employing mathematical and scientific concepts"

5 Images

Full View

The textures are used to highlight main parts of the building, such as the support and the perforated structure at the right side of the monument. The square texture symbolises the rigidness level of the support.


The bridge is made up with similar element from both of the monument, showing the interrelation between them. The material used in the bridge revealed the attempt to blend with the surrounding, which consists of rocky landscape.

Mathematical Concept

This is Christopher Wren monument which have a reflection symmetry. The textures are used to present the mirror structures. The use of light texture at the upper part demonstrates a light-weight ornament, while being significant to the monument itself.


Jean Nouvel's concept is to harmonise with its surrounding. With the use of wavy textures, it matches with the whole environment which is surrounded by trees. Viewers will appreciate the scenery from the monument by looking through the perforated structure.


This view expresses the main concept through the structure of the bridge (same distance and repetition of the support structure) and the opposite monument (blending in with surroundings that are full of trees). 

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